About Me

I'm a mom of three and wife to a soldier in the United States Army. It seems like our life from day one has been about change. In the ten years we've been a family we've changed career paths, added children, changed home locations and changed our lifestyle. It seems that in most situations change has come into our lives without my consent; which is only inevitable being a military family. More change is coming - in fact I'm in the midst of it - and this time it's a change that I'm fully embracing. I decided to start this blog as a way to document and share all of those positive changes! 

Join my family as we move to a new home in a new state, make dramatic changes in our health and wellness and take improved strides towards becoming financially independent. The title of this blog is inspired by those moments in time that are seasoned by both wanted and unwanted change. 

1 comment:

  1. So exciting, I look forward to reading your blog and hearing about your journey and successes. I love your graphics too! I start my Nutritional Therapy Practitioner course in September, a big and exciting change in my life that I am happy to embrace! :-)
